Perioscopy is a new procedure using a miniature dental endoscope with advanced video, lighting and magnification technology that enables your doctor or hygienist to diagnose and treat areas below the gumline non-surgically.
The dental endoscope works with a miniature camera that is attached to a tiny probe and then gently placed below the gumline. The images are immediately displayed on a chairside video screen for your clinician to see. The dental endoscope provides up to 48 times magnification, disclosing minute details under the gums that, before the advent of this technology, might easily be missed.
If you have pockets 5mm deep or greater as well as other suspected dental conditions, then you may be a candidate for Perioscopy. If you are being treated for periodontal disease, the goal of a Perioscopy treatment is to get a tooth root exceptionally clean so that the gums and other surrounding tissues can become healthier.